Greek ecommerce association GRECA launches trustmark

Greek ecommerce association GRECA launches trustmark

The Greek ecommerce association GRECA (which is short for Greek Ecommerce Assocation) has launched the first ecommerce trustmark from Greece. The organization launched the trustmark in cooperation with Ecommerce Europe and the E-Business Research Center. Awardees will be subject to an audit to make sure they comply with European consumer law.

According to Fotis Antonopoulos from GRECA, the launched trustmark is part of the organization’s efforts to bring more price transparency and access to information to the Greek ecommerce industry. “We also want to enhance consumer confidence in online shopping, and to ensure that trading practices are at the highest level.

Ecommerce Europe Trustmark for free

The president of the board thinks the GRECA trustmark will assist and expand cross-border ecommerce from Greeco to an pan-European level. That’s also because the national trustmark operated alongside the European Trustmark from Ecommerce Europe. Online retailers who sign up to the Greek trustmark automatically receive the Ecommerce Europe Trustmark for free. The Greek trustmark isn’t the only one participating in the European Trustmark, as all of Ecommerce Europe’s national associations provide the pan-European trustmark for free to all of their members.

Media Markt, You, Public and Insurance Market are among the first online stores in Greece that are members of GRECA Trustmark.

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