Ecommerce News

Ecommerce Serbia grows 39% to €70.4 mln

Ecommerce Serbia grows 39% to €70.4 mln

The ecommerce industry in Serbia has shown some fantastic results as it grew 39% to 8.16 billion dinars, or 70.4 million euros last year. A downside to the story may be the fact the lion’s share of all transactions went to non-Serbian online stores, as its inhabitants shop drastically more abroad than at local stores. Of the total number of 1.7 million transactions, 1.45 million took place on foreign websites.

To be more precise, the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) recorded 1,641,491 domestic payments with credit cards and in dinars, euro’s dollars, Swiss francs or British pounds. If the number of transactions in other currencies are added, there were 1,681,850 transactions last year, as new agency Tanjug reports. About 190,000 transactions happened between Serbian consumers and Serbian online stores, which together realized a turnover of only 8.8 million euros. The average transaction at a domestic online store was €47,47, while the average transaction value at foreign online stores was about €42,70.

Ecommerce in Serbia

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