eBay launches new delivery platform with Shutl

eBay launches new delivery platform with Shutl

eBay will be introducing a new delivery service later this year. The platform will be built from scratch by Shutl, the company eBay acquired in 2013. This new platform will allow eBay sellers to chooce from a range of delivery options across major UK couriers and print labels.

eBay announced the upcoming launch of its delivery service in its newsletter. It says the service could be particularly relevant for sellers who don’t currently have a negotiated delivery contract with a courier. Because eBay is such a huge player, it could negotiate some serious discounts on behalf of its sellers.

eBay’s new Shutl service

The new delivery service, which is said to launch for all sellers in the summer of 2017, lets sellers choose from several delivery options across UK couriers. They can print labels in just a few clicks, choose from thousands of drop-off points across the UK and pay for all of their deliveries via PayPal.

Right now only myHermes is connected, but soon other carriers and collection points will be added. eBay sellers who are interested in participating in the beta, can register for early access. If that is granted, it will replace the seller’s access to the current Buy and Print Postage feature on eBay.

eBay's new delivery service

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