76% of Spaniards buy online more than before the pandemic

More than three quarters of Spanish consumers say they shop online more now than before the coronavirus outbreak. Half of Spaniards even make purchases online at least once a week.
Shopping online has become a habit that’s fully established in the Spanish society, the last twelve months strongly driven by the outbreak of the coronavirus and the accompanying measures.
One in two consumers in Spain claim to make online purchases at least once a week, and 15 percent of those people even do this several times a week. And 43 percent say they buy something online at least once a month.
1 in 2 Spaniards buy online at least once a week.
This has been shown by a survey conducted by Ipsos Digital. This study also shows that the smartphone (66 percent) is the most popular device for shopping online. It’s followed by the computer or laptop (50 percent) and the tablet (16 percent).
Clothing and accessories most popular category online
The most popular product categories online are clothing and accessories (64 percent). Another popular type of goods to buy online are items from the technology category (46 percent), while beauty products, cosmetics, and perfumes (35 percent) end on a third place. Catering and food delivery (33 percent) and groceries (27 percent) are in fourth and fifth position respectively.