German payment method Paydirekt attracts DocMorris
Paydirekt, the online payment method set up by major (saving) banks in Germany, has attracted another top retailer. From now on, customers of online pharmacy DocMorris can pay for their online order with Paydirekt.
DocMorris, which is actually a Dutch company but it sells primarily to German consumers, has added Paydirekt to its offer of payment methods. For Paydirekt, the integration of its payment method in the online store of DocMorris, is just another milestone, after it added other big online retailers, such as consumer electronics store Media Markt, online drugstore Dm and online marketplace Rakuten.
‘Paydirekt satisfieds the needs of consumers and retailers’
“We are very pleased that, with DocMorris, we have attracted another leading provider in a new product category”, says managing director Niklas Bartelt. “The strong momentum in the expansion of our merchant portfolio confirms that Paydirect is attractive as a new and secure payment method. It satisfies the needs of both consumers and our customers.”
In April of this year, Paydirekt completed the introductory phase and started expanding its customer portfolio. At the moment there are 450 online shops, including 35 large retailers, who offer Paydirekt as one of their payment methods. Paydirekt differs from other payment methods because there’s no external third party connected.
After a consumer has registered in their familiar online banking, the payment can be done with two clicks: the consumer selects Paydirekt in the online shop, enter their user name and password and it’s done. Around 800,000 consumers have already registered for the service that started in November last year.