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Albert Heijn online 10% of revenue

Albert Heijn online 10% of revenue

Dutch supermarket chain Albert Heijn has grown its market share to 35.9 percent in 2021. Its online channel, where customers order groceries, has helped achieve this growth. Up to 10 percent of the company’s revenue come from this channel.

Ecommerce revenue grew 35%

Supermarket chain Albert Heijn has reached a market share of 35.9 percent in the Netherlands in 2021. This is a growth of 0.9 percent when compared to 2020. The company has taken over 38 DEEN-supermarkets within the country, which was responsible for 0.2 percent of the market share growth.

‘Albert Heijn has reached a market share of 35.9%.’

In 2019 Albert Heijn became one of the top 3 online stores in the Netherlands. According to the announcement by Albert Heijn today, its online channel is responsible for almost 10 percent of the company’s total revenue. The company’s ecommerce revenue grew also grew strongly, with almost 35 percent.

30.000 subscriptions

Albert Heijn opened its 8th Home Shop Center, and saw its monthly app users grow to over 3 million last year. Its flash delivery service AH Compact has also grown, as became active in 50 cities during 2021. In Fall 2021, the company also introduced ‘My Albert Heijn Premium’, which is an omnichannel subscription for a set amount per year that gives customers more discounts. More than 300.000 customers have already subscribed.

‘Result of a huge team effort’

Marit van Egmond, General Manager Albert Heijn: “We have had an exceptional year in which, just like in 2020, our priority was safe shopping and working. Fortunately, there was also room for great developments and growth. I would like to thank all colleagues for their commitment and contribution to this result, this is really the result of a huge team effort.”

‘We have plans to make shopping and cooking even easier and tastier for customers.’

“In 2022 we will continue on the chosen path”, continues Van Egmond. “We continue to renovate stores every week to the latest store concept, which we see is very popular with customers. The launch of My Albert Heijn Premium, which allows customers to opt for even more benefits, such as a 10% discount on the organic range, leaves them wanting more. And the success of our Price Favorites – cheap top products – also continues. We also have promising plans that will make shopping and cooking even easier and tastier for our customers.”

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Pleuni writes all types of news and background articles for Ecommerce News, where she has been working since 2019.

All articles by Pleuni

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