German marketplaces warn dealers: get a VAT certificate

German marketplaces warn dealers: get a VAT certificate

Online marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon and Etsy are warning connected retailers who are subject to VAT in Germany. They should provide the marketplaces with proof of their VAT registration with a special certificate. The deadline for submission expires on the 1st of October.

Starting 1 October, EU-based online retailers that sell to German consumers must provide any marketplaces they are active on with a VAT certificate, which they can get from the German tax office (Finanzamt).

VAT certificate required

The certificate verifies their German VAT registration and the fact they are up-to-date on compliance. This law already applies to non-EU sellers, since the 1st of March this year they have been required to provide the same certificate.

It’s not only that sellers in Germany need to have these VAT certificates, what’s also important is that marketplaces operating in Germany need to hold these VAT certificates or else block the sellers who didn’t hand over any proof.

In Germany, eBay has been quite clear on this matter. If sellers don’t show the certificate before the deadline, their account will be blocked on the first day of October.

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