Parcels from Sweden to Finland take 5.6 days

Parcels from Sweden to Finland take 5.6 days

On average, parcels that are transported from Sweden to Finland take 5.6 days to reach their destination. Once the border is crossed, the average delivery time is 1.8 days.

In Finland, shopping online stores from Sweden is very popular. A survey from the International Post Corporation showed that 21 percent of all Finns who made online purchases did their shopping at Swedish online stores.

After border’s crossed, it still takes two days

But it might take some time for parcel from Sweden to arrive at Finnish customers’ homes. On average, these parcels are transported in 5.6 days, while almost two days are spent in Finland alone. This is shown by a survey Finnish postal service Posti had commissioned from IRO Research.

Longer delivery time because of May Day

By using mystery shoppers, 100 purchases were made from online stores to measure the total delivery time, from order to delivery. These purchases took place on April 29, May 6 and May 13, which led to different results as Finns celebrate May Day on the first day of that month. The average order and delivery time of purchases made before May Day was 6.8 days, while the average delivery time for purchases made after May Day was 4.3 days.

Similar survey shows similar results

According to Posti’s press release, a similar survey was conducted earlier this year in Finland, showing similar results. The average overall delivery time for online purchases was 3.1 days back then.

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