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These are the biggest days for online shopping in Europe

These are the biggest days for online shopping in Europe

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are only one month away and these days mean big business for online retailers across Europe. But in some countries these aren’t the biggest days for online shopping. In the Netherlands and Austria for example, most online revenue is expected to be generated on December 12. See what the biggest days are for online shopping in Europe.

A new report by Adobe Digital Insights shows that Black Friday (November 25) and Cyber Monday (November 28) will be the key growth drivers of holiday spending in Europe. Holiday spending in Europe will increase by 10 percent this year, which is a little below the 11 percent estimate of the United States. Most money in Europe will be spent in the United Kingdom and Germany, who will both grow 10 percent to 27.1 billion euros and 22.9 billion euros respectively. Holiday sales in France are forecast to grow 11 percent to 14.3 billion euros.

According to ADI’s predictions, Black Friday will once again be the biggest shopping day across much of Europe. Especially in the Nordic countries, Black Friday has increased strongly over the last couple of years. Since 2013, sales on this day increased by 187 percent in this region, while elsewhere in Europe it increased by 66 percent during that period.

The biggest days for online shopping

ADI shared some online shopping stats by country. And these are the biggest days for online shopping:

Country Biggest day
The United Kingdom Black Friday (November 25)
Germany November 27
France Black Friday (November 25)
The Netherlands December 12
Belgium December 12
Sweden Black Friday (November 25)
Austria December 12
Denmark Black Friday (November 25)
Finland Black Friday (November 25)
Norway Black Friday (November 25)

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