‘B2B market turnover to reach 1.7 trillion euros by 2025’

The total European value of B2B goods sold online is estimated to reach 1.7 trillion euros by 2025. However, B2B sellers in Europe are not utilizing all available opportunities yet. Most of them only allow local buyers to shop their goods.
These data come from an analysis published by Billie, an BNPL solution for B2B sellers. According to the analysis, the worldwide value of the online B2B market was worth 6.5 trillion euros in 2022. A growth of 18 percent is estimated between 2023 and 2030.
50% of B2B buyers use ecommerce platforms
The European market is still a lot smaller, as it is estimated to reach 1.7 trillion euros by 2025. While ecommerce plays a dominant role in B2C, it still has not penetrated that much into the online B2B market. According to Billie, only 50 percent of B2B buyers use ecommerce platforms.
92% of Scandinavian B2B companies expect sales to happen online.
However, Scandinavia seems to be an exception as 92 percent of the surveyed B2B companies expect sales to happen online. And almost one in four of the B2B companies there are already generating sales through ecommerce.
Cross-border opportunities
While cross-border ecommerce is growing in Europe, the analysis shows that most European B2B sites only allow local buyers. This means that there are still a lot of cross-border opportunities left unused. Additionally, 57 percent of the largest ecommerce sites in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Sweden (based on traffic) provide B2B services. And among those, only 50 percent ship cross-border.