Mostly international sellers on

Of all sellers on the Dutch version of Amazon, only 2 percent is from the Netherlands. Most of these sellers handle their own logistics. Most Dutch sellers offer home items and clothing, which are the most popular products among Dutch online shoppers.
Ecommerce giant Amazon launched in the Netherlands in 2020, and by the end of that year the platform already had 5.000 sellers. In the last couple of months of 2021, Data Department carried out research with a sample of 19 million products and almost 96.730 sellers on
International sellers
The research showed that there were sellers from 73 different countries and Dutch sellers are a minority on Most sellers that were identified within the sample were from China (59.5 percent), followed by Germany (11 percent) and the UK (5.8 percent). There were also sellers from Italy (4.4 percent), Spain (3.2 percent) and France (2.6 percent).
‘Dutch sellers have a share of 2% on’
Dutch sellers have a share of 2 percent. Sellers were counted as Dutch when they are registered in the Chamber of Commerce, so these could also be international sellers registered within that country.
Product categories
According to research by Statistics Netherlands, most Dutch consumers like to buy clothing and home items online. Sellers on seem use this information to their advantage, as most products sold on the platform belong to those categories (23 and 11 percent, respectively).
However, a majority of Dutch sellers (61 percent) on the platform have registered less than 50 products. At least 40 percent of them carry less than 10 products. Only 3 percent carry 5.000 products or more.
Winning the Buy Box on
A large majority (74 percent) of sellers on win the Buy Box for their products over Amazon (26 percent). However, Dutch sellers have less success in winning the desired button (0.7 percent).
Less then 1% of Dutch sellers win the Buy Box.
This could be linked to the fact that most Dutch sellers handle logistics themselves. Sellers using Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) have higher chances to win the Buy Box. The fulfilment service was recently fined in Italy, because the service violated competition rules in the European Union.
Up to 78 percent of Dutch sellers handle the logistics themselves. A group of 14.5 percent use FBA for their complete product range, while 7.9 percent use FBA for a part of their assortment.
Fluctuating products and sellers on
Data Department noted that there was a noticeably fluctuation in sellers and products on Dutch sellers that were found during the first moment of measurement weren’t listing any products on the platform later on during the research. There were also sellers who hadn’t filled in their profile completely, which meant that the country of residence couldn’t be determined for 3.6 percent.
Amazon hasn’t released a lot of exact information about its Dutch branch, which makes it hard to check these figures. The fact that this research states that Dutch sellers are in the minority on is surprising. This would mean that of the 19.516 new sellers that were registered last year, most are cross-border sellers.