19 results found for "emota"

Ecommerce Europe will launch European trustmark

Ecommerce Europe just announced it will launch an European trustmark. Right now it's in preparation but it will be launched on January 1, 2015. The Ecommerce Europe Trustmark is meant for all companies, with low costs and based on non-profit and self-regulation, the organization told visitors at the Global E-Commerce Summit which is happening right now in Barcelona.

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Multi-country retailers grow harder than other merchants

Big European merchants that sell online across borders in three or more European nations are growing almost twice as fast as the 500 biggest European online stores as a whole. The combined sales of these 27 online merchants that go cross-border totaled 45.74 billion euros, up 29% from 35.42 billion euros in 2012. This outpaces the 17% growth for the Europe 500 as a whole.

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European online sales in 2013

The ecommerce industry in Europe has reached a turnover of 352 billion euros in 2013. Which makes this region a bigger ecommerce market than Northern America or Asia Pacific. The biggest ecommerce countries in Europe are the United Kingdom, France and Germany, as they account for 60% of all online sales.

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