
Statistics are boring? Hell no! They can be very interesting, if you are interested in the ecommerce industry that is. Check out this category to see some stunning numbers and data about the ecommerce industry in different European countries or about a certain company.

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Shopify usage in Europe

Shopify usage in Europe

Shopify is only 14 years old, but is already extremely popular. And although it's a Canadian company, it has enormous popularity in the United States. The US accounts for 73.24 percent of all live Shopify ecommerce websites worldwide. But what about the Shopify usage in Europe?

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Irish retail moves to ecommerce

Irish retail moves to ecommerce

Retailers in Ireland are migrating online as the outbreak of the coronavirus has fueled ecommerce in the Western European country. Online sales are now a significant part of the retail offering for thousands of Irish companies.

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