
Mcommerce top priority for many European brands

Mcommerce top priority for many European brands

Mcommerce is still rapidly growing. Consumers expect to buy online seamlessly while using their smartphone or tablet. But what can we expect in the near future and what challenges lie ahead for online retailers and brands? Worldwide Business Reach held a survey with senior retail, travel and retail banking executives from the top brands in Europe.

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7 December is the busiest shopping day in Europe

7 December is the busiest shopping day in Europe

While most consumers in the US will spend a lot of money on Cyber Monday (30 November), in Europe the absolute peak in online holiday shopping will take place on 7 December. Expectations are consumers in Europe will spend as much on holiday gifts in November and December as they did last year.

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The average online spending in Europe

The average online spending in Europe

Europe is a continent with many differences. Not just in terms of politics, culture and language, but also with regards to ecommerce. While the online retail industry in the UK has matured, it's still upcoming in countries in the Eastern part of the continent. Also, in terms of online spending there are many differences. A new infographic shows which country's consumers spend most online on average.

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Alternative delivery options increasingly popular in Europe

Alternative delivery options increasingly popular in Europe

The good old delivery to a consumer's home or workplace may still be the most important delivery option for most online shoppers in Europe, there are more and more alternative delivery options becoming popular as well. Click-and-collect services, delivery to a local shop or delivery to designated lockers are among the most demanded delivery methods.

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‘Cross-border merchants should focus on Europe’

‘Cross-border merchants should focus on Europe’

Cross-border purchasing is an increasingly significant driver of ecommerce growth in Europe. More than half of the 240 million online consumers across the continent have purchased online from other countries. It's no surprise about four in ten global merchants, acquirers, PSPs and consultants believe that merchants should focus on Europe when considering cross-border ecommerce.

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Ecommerce Europe wants same rules for online and offline sales

Ecommerce Europe wants same rules for online and offline sales

Ecommerce Europe, a pan-European association for online retailers, does not totally agree with the European Commission with regards to the Single Market Strategy it presented today. It welcomes the policy proposals the Commission has made, but the ecommerce association recommends not to create parallel legal frameworks. Ecommerce Europe wants the same rules for online and offline sales.

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Why you need to think about your packaging

Why you need to think about your packaging

The most widely used packaging among online shops are cardboard boxes and shipping bags. These are handy and cheap solutions, but are they really? It’s sometimes better to spend some extra money on your packaging, so trucks or ships can be filled more efficiently, while a correctly adjusted packaging can also save you money in the long run. We give you 7 tips to pack your shipments.

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Importance of comparison shopping in Europe

Importance of comparison shopping in Europe

An increasing amount of consumers are researching products before they decide to buy them. An important information channel during this process is the internet. In Central and Eastern Europe, comparison shopping engines have gained a key role in the buying decision process during the last couple of years.

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Mobile commerce in Europe 2015

Mobile commerce in Europe 2015

Mobile commerce is becoming increasingly important in Europe. The continent even has the highest mobile penetration rate in the world. And online spending on mobile devices in Europe has doubled between 2014 and 2015 and now reaches a share of 25 percent. Let's have a look at the latest trends on mobile in Europe.

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