The United Kingdom

1 in 5 UK retailers still fail to offer next day delivery

1 in 5 UK retailers still fail to offer next day delivery

Although 52 percent of consumers in the United Kingdom see next-day-delivery as their most preferred delivery method, still a fifth of UK retailers are failing to offer their customers next-day delivery. On the other hand, 65 percent of retailers offer click & collect, even when only 18 percent of consumers consider this their preferred delivery method.

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Checkout friction main cause of abandoned baskets

Checkout friction main cause of abandoned baskets

Retailer's don't like abandoned baskets. But why do consumers leave their online shopping carts? In the United Kingdom, friction in the checkout is seen as the biggest driver of basket abandonment. A lack of payment methods and a lack of lending or credit options are other popular reasons for consumers to abandon the payment process.

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Omnichannel in the European fashion industry

Omnichannel in the European fashion industry

A new study on omnichannel in the European fashion industry shows that social media, online customer loyalty and store localization are the most common omni-channel solutions. The least common features are online order of in-store inventory with in-store pick-up by the customer, same-day delivery and shipping and in-store reservation of inventory for in-store consumer purchases.

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51% UK retailers: cross-border ecommerce more complex after Brexit

51% UK retailers: cross-border ecommerce more complex after Brexit

Over half of retailers in the United Kingdom think cross-border trading will become more complex when the country leaves the European Union. However, 44 percent of retailers who sell abroad will continue with their existing cross-border ecommerce operations, while 23 percent plans to invest more in growing their business outside the UK.

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