
No ecommerce without logistics. Because whenever a consumer orders something online, that product has to be shipped from one place (one of many warehouses and fulfilment centers in Europe) to another (the consumer’s house, a pick-up point, et cetera). So logistics (and logistics companies) play a very important…

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Deutsche Post staff goes on indefinite strike

Deutsche Post staff goes on indefinite strike

German consumers may get the products they ordered online later than expected. Employees of Deutsche Post went on a strike this afternoon and it's still unclear when this will end. The strike is a result of the ongoing battle between Deutsche Post AG and the German trade union Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft, better known under the abbreviation Ver.di.

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Half of Nordic consumers want to choose the delivery method

Half of Nordic consumers want to choose the delivery method

Consumers in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark shopped online for a total of 3.89 billion euros during the first three months of this year. Ecommerce increased by 7 percent compared with last year, although the Norwegian ecommerce showed some negative development. Nordic consumers are increasingly valuing the power of the recipient and want to choose the delivery method of the items they bought online.

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The future of logistics in Europe

The future of logistics in Europe

Logistics is a very important part of ecommerce. But this market is changing rapidly, so it's crucial to be aware of current trends in order to remain competitive. We have an infographic for you that shows the current situation and the future of logistics in Europe.

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An overview of pick up points in Europe

An overview of pick up points in Europe

Pick up points are becoming increasingly popular in Europe. Locations where customers can pick up the packages they ordered online are ideal for consumers who want to choose where and whenever they want to have their goods. Here are the major pick up points in 7 popular ecommerce countries in Europe.

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