
Statistics are boring? Hell no! They can be very interesting, if you are interested in the ecommerce industry that is. Check out this category to see some stunning numbers and data about the ecommerce industry in different European countries or about a certain company.

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16% of European companies sell online

16% of European companies sell online

About one in six European companies that employ at least ten persons sold products and/or services via a website or apps last year. Among those companies, almost all of them sold to their own country, while less than half sold to customers located in other EU member states. Over a quarter of online-selling companies sold to non-EU customers.

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‘Over 800,000 online stores in Europe’

‘Over 800,000 online stores in Europe’

There are over 800,000 online stores in Europe, research from Ecommerce News Europe in collaboration with Dataprovider shows. These online stores are widely spread across the continent, but most ecommerce websites can be found in Germany, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

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